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Your donation allows us to provide access, foster excellence, and create impact within our community.

For the girls.

Thank you!

I love TGC! I want to be in TGC because I can make my dream come true to be a professional singer. I can sing my little heart out. I also can make a lot of new friends. I love to go on the Fox Theatre stage to sing the songs that I have been taught.

-Aubrey, Hummingbird Choir Member

 TGC has taught me about friendship, loyalty, responsibility, music, and independence. I am a far better person, and I am very grateful that I have the privilege to be a part of such an amazing program.

-Molly, Advanced Choir Member


TGC Building & Central Rehearsal Location​

4020 E River Rd

Northwest Rehearsal Location


St. Mark's UMC

1431 W Magee Rd

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