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The Tucson Girls Chorus extends our sincere thanks to our many 2019-2020 sponsors and supporters!

$65,000 +

Pima County Parks and Recreation, In-kind donation

Stonewall Foundation



Brian and Sandy Stearns

Levin Family Limited Partnership


$10,000 +


Arizona Commission on the Arts

Community Foundation of Southern Arizona


$2,000 +

Kenneth and Donna Cousino

Victor and Regina Fresolone

Anne and David Hameroff

Debra Lee Haddock

Rob and Laurie Glaser

Bill and Anita Jones

Elizabeth Neuschatz

Darryl Tarweek

Catalinas Community Chorus

Cox Communications

Cushman & Wakefield | PICOR

RBC Foundation

Tabula Rasa

$1,000 +

Keith and Mara Aspinall

Cybelle Egan

Bill and Nancy Hansen

Helen Jones

Stephen Minter

Karen Moody 

Daniel Naiman and Marcela Molina

Craig and Kristin Post

Amie and Jeff Ryan

Theresa Van Hook and Rodger Schuld

Ron and Vicki Shoopman

Shelley Silverman

Sarah B. Smallhouse

Melissa Vito

Holualoa Arizona, Inc.


$500 +

Thomas and Lisa Baumann

Kevin Boesen

Kim Bourn

Betsy Bruce

Roxane Butler

Monica Casper

Shirley Chann

Susan Dubow

Merrill Eisenberg

Isaac Figueroa

Jan Flanagan

Debbie and Pat Goodman-Butler

Scott Jones

Lisa Lovallo and Terri Kessler

Stephen Lanzarotti

Desiree Maultsby

Ted Maxwell

Richard and Kathy Mundinger

David and Barbi Reuter

Melissa Solyn

Mark Thomas

Bob and Beth Walkup

Gilbert and Izabella Williams

Greg Sakall and Jennifer Wortman ’89

State Farm Companies


$100 +

Magan Alfred

Kristine Almquist

Aaron and Kamala Alpert

David and Joan Ashcraft
Amey Aubry

Dana Backer

Fil and Karen Barrera

Julie Bauman

Shay Beider

Margaret and Robert Bell

Ann Marie Bonito
Robert and Ann Brittain

Barbara Butler

Alejandro and Sylvia Canelos

Jenny Carrillo

Yendira Castillo-Reina

Alice F. Chang

Dov and Kendra C

Anne B. Cotten

Doug and Jackie Crockett

Judi Dalton

Janice Davenport 

Angela DiFuccia

Norman and Tricia Don

Randi Dorman

Timothy and Myra Dunne

Michael and Kathy Egan

Annette Egan

Dorothy Eisenberg

Jim and Lynn Engel

Micheal and Leslie Faltin

Mary Feild

Miguel Felipe, In honor of Dr. Marcela Molina

Thomas and Ann Fellrath

Krysten Floyd

Maureen and Martin Fox

Jim and Jane Fredlock

Greg and Jennifer Furrier

Nancy Fusco

Harry George

Jeffrey and Ellen Gold

Abbe Goncharsky

Soledad Granillo

Heriberto Gutierrez

Steven Haines

Mike and Leslie Hammond

Brice and Vanessa Helms

Simone Hoeltschi

Paul Hooker

Dianne Iauco

Gary and Lisa Israel

Deborah and Jeff Jacobs

Amanda Jones
Dena Jones

Patricia Kamimoto

William and Jaime Lakin Kelley

Lee Klein

Beth Kruchek

Stephen Larson

Sandra and Kresta Leal

Randi Leonard

Pam Liberty

Jed and Joni Lightcap

Patty LeCompte

Elise Lopez-Hanshaw

Nancy Lovallo

Sarah Martin

Judy McDermott

Savannah McDonald

Kathryn McGuire

Catherine McIntosh

Debra McMaster
Walt Moody

Ann and Tom Moore
Gabriel Moore

David and Dawn Morris

Jeannie Nguyen

Tom and Yvonne Nieman

Amy Palm

Noel Paraninfo

Mary Paul

Karla Penn

Michelle Perrin

Susan Peters

Steven and Ann Pickering

David and Valeria Pietz
Eric Plemons

Renee Poirier
Craig and Kristin Post

Charles Poster

Fernanda Quintanilla

Markus Redding

Rachel Redman

Sonia Reidy
Daniel and Elsa Reyes

Marilyn Robinson

Barry and Patti Robinson

Todd Rockoff
Shari and Jim Rohrer

Mark Rossi

Marissa Rowen

John and Helen Schaefer

Eric Scharf

Susan Schild

Carolyn Schut

Nicki Scovis

Ina Shivack

Basel and Allison Skeif

Rick Small

Dr. R.J. Solyn

Marilyn Speert

Tom and Carol Staubach

Don and Phi Pham Swann

Wendy Swartz

Joe Tarver

Melissa and Rob Tomlinson

Angela and Shawn Toy

Darlene Twiss
Perla andd Luis Villa

Saundra Wagelie

Michael Ward

Alex Wilson

John Winchester

Other meaningful gifts


Zach Apodaca

Nancy Anderson

Lani Baker

Tom and Elizabeth Baumann


David Bilgray

Allen Brown

Ann Marie Bonito

Madeleine Boos

Daryll and Melissa Brosanders

Veletta Canouts

Monica Casper Milam

Mara and Francisco Castro

Paige Cogdall

Ben and Zulima Coronado

Andrea Dillenburg

Randi Dorman

Auna Emery

Katharine Ferguson

Marianna Gammon

Ciara Garcia

Michael Garcia

Carrie Gilchrist

Howard Glasser

Paula Golembiewski

Suzanne Graun

Michael and Leslie Hammond

William Harman

Virginia Hewgley

Julia Higgins

Tania Hinojosa, In honor Jose Marcos Iga

Dianne Iauco

David Johnson

Lorraine Lara

Sidney Lissner

Cloriza Lomeli

Linda Lucas

Sarah Martin

William Mattison

Margaret McConnell

Savannah McDonald ’02

Debra McMaster

Janet Moody

Barbara Odegaard

Tom and Kelli Ottoway

Susan Parker Hotchkiss

David and Aline Paskow

Lesli Pintor

Don and Phi Pham Swann

Craig and Sandy Plotner

Heather Poyas

Michelle Rouch

Eric Scharf

Nancy Schneider

Zachary Schusel

Jamie Settle

Rula Skeif

Amber Smith

Marcia Spark

Ginger Switzer

Sarah Tarver Wahlquist

Thao Tiedt

Melissa Tomlinson

Emily Watson

Bill Wessels

Sue and Steve Westby

Kira Whitaker

Leslie Whitaker

Heather Wuelpern

Kiser Family Trust

We'd love to add your name to this list!


TGC Building & Central Rehearsal Location​

4020 E River Rd

Northwest Rehearsal Location


St. Mark's UMC

1431 W Magee Rd

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